Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008


in a couple of weeks, americans will vote in a historic presidential election. for the first time, the presidential candidate of one of the main parties is not a white male. the campaign turned ugly a few weeks ago when the race issues and raw emotion showed on national television. fortunately, republicans presidential candidate senator john mccain has restrained his attack on thecampaign trail . however, his political advertisements still question democratic presidential candidate senator barrack obama's true identity. obama is the son of africans father and a white mother. mc cain's campaign also has attempted to question obama's association with controversial figures such as the reverend jeremiah wright and former 1960s radical william ayers.

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008


Nobody likes paying taxes. even those who know that taxation is necessary and just are reluctant to oay taxes. it is not pleasant to see part of your monthly income taken away from you in income tax. ignorant people think this is an in justice and make a grievance of it. so it just as well that we should know why we are taxed, so that we can see the fairness of the system. every country must have a government of some sort, or life would be impossible. the primary duties of a government are to protect the life and property of the citizens in a just and orderly way through the law courts. to defend the country from foreign foes, and to maintain the roads and high ways. besides, many government maintain the roads and direct education provide hospitals for the sick, and attend to sanitation. all these great pubic duties need money an army navy have to be kept up.

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2008


assalammualaikum wr.wb
hari ny gw gy ad d warnet kampus bro.. n this is my first time to write my blog in here...banyak loh keuntungannya ngenet disini ...yang paling utama adalah sisi finansial..hehe warnet disini gratis,bro..klo ad yang mo ngenet disini kudu punya kartu perpus dlu..bru bsa dh...emm.o iya ...gw gy gazeboan ny..sebenarnya gw c g suka gazeboan. tapi nulis blog useful jg ko..yang penting diisi dengna hal positif..no problemo kan?? emmm..gw mo kirim-kirim salam ny bwt temen temen gw. khususnya alumni exact 2 sman 1 tambun selatan (bekennya bonlap lah). buat ganiar,keep cemangatz y, gan...inget do the best..jangan rusak yang udah baik...buat my brother.dell...hmm,belajar u yang serius..jangan maen-maen mulu...lah kasian tuh bonyok lu,,,tapi gw percaya sama u kok dell, keep contact y .....buat fatih...my friend n sekaligus ustadz gw, yang selalu ngasih saran keagamaan yang sangat berguna, tetep kaya gitu ya tih biar gw bisa selalu inget sama ALLAH SWT..sukses buat kalian semua..n tak lupa bwt abud, adit, caz, bagus, pedo, eka, dll............................cu,miss u all